Sunday, January 16, 2011


Since we left Shreveport it's been kinda strange.  Whenever Lillian gets really tired and weepy she cries, "I wanna go home."  Well for the first time in her little life I have no answer for that.  I think I may have even cried with her! :)  You don't realize how much security a 3 year old finds in home and routine until you no longer have it!  But now I have started to tell her that home is where Mommy and Daddy are and we can be happy wherever we find ourselves.
To be honest it's been hard for me too.  It's wierd to not have a place we call home.
But all this changed today!!!  A teammate called this morning before church to let us know their old apartment, which they loved and Bruce has visited, was available for rent and the landlord was willing to hold it for us!!  We are so excited!  It's in the neighborhood we were hoping to live in, it has a fenced in yard for the kids to play, and it's across the street from a great park.  (there are many other pros but i'll spare you)
One of my biggest anxieties about moving was apartment shopping.  This is a huge answered prayer for me!  Doesn't God spoil me!?
We have a home.  I've never seen it but I know it's there.  It's a good feeling.


  1. This is awesome!! Isn't it just like God to give you your heart's desire, even when you aren't quite sure what that is?!? I can't wait to see the apartment for myself! Give everyone a hug from me!

  2. Woo-hoo-hoo! That's fabulous! I absolutely can't wait to see pictures when y'all get there.

  3. i seriously just cried reading this! So thankful for God's amazing ways of working and revealing Himself to us!
